
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Some important factors that developers must consider while developing E-commerce websites

Designing a website is not an easy task.  This is something that requires a lot of knowledge and proper guidance.  There are number of factors that are important and help in designing an e-commerce website.
Here are some of the factors that developers must take in to consideration while developing E-commerce websites-
·         Accuracy- One needs to maintain the accuracy by providing links of references and comments on the website. This helps in bringing credibility of the visitors, even if the visitors do not follow the link. 
·         Focus on company’s expertise- The expertise of the company must be highlighted in its content and services. If for instance, the links of the sites are not reliable, that should not be mentioned as it can bring certain negativity to the business.
·         Easy to find- The website should be easily approachable by the visitors i.e. the visitors should not find any difficulty in finding your company’s website online. Make sure to provide all the necessary information, which may include, address, current working phone number, e-mail address and so on.
·         Authenticity of the website- The visitors must be ensured about the genuineness of the website as this helps in gaining trust of the visitors. Developers can include images of their company as well as the business address.
·         Logical content and user friendly layout- The main job of every developer is to design a user friendly layout which the visitors find engaging. In addition, one should focus on displaying only the useful and logical information about their product and services on the website so that the visitors can easily understand about the services provided by the company.
·         Avoid any errors- Avoid making any errors, as it can be harmful for your company’s website. Focus more on the typographic errors or broken links, as this is what makes visitors leave the website and switch to some other site.
·         Regular updating of content- Make sure to regularly update the content of your site and provide the visitors with something new to read
The aforementioned are some of the factors that a developer must consider. However, for better results one can also consult website Development Company in NYC or any other area where you live.

Monday, November 16, 2015

What are the latest web designing trends for your business?

Today, number of new applications and designs are being developed which makes it hard to tell which trend is more effective. Everyone wants to stay on the top of the websites and as a result the experts are continuously working hard to deliver the best possible results to their customers.
There are number of companies that provide website design and development services in NYC or any other big cities. These companies use the latest trends to deliver the best web solutions to their clients.
Here is the list of some of the latest web designing trends that are necessary for your business-
·         Grids for maximum content- Today, grids are in great trend. The designers use this trend to display maximum content on a single web page, i.e. one can easily show number of options on a website with the help of grid. Additionally, it can easily fit on different screens, which offers a unique way of presenting a business to all the potential customers.  In other words, it is a complete package with different options.
·         Flat screen-The trend of flat screen is widely becoming popular and today also you can find the wide use of flat screen in the web designing world. It helps in giving a simple yet elegant appearance to your business site.
·         Big background image- It has become a trend to use bigger images in the background. This not only helps in providing an excellent visual appearance but also makes the work easier for the designers. Now days, most of the designers prefer professional photographs that have great visual appeal.
·         Using videos in background- Using different videos in background is another popular trend that is adopted by number of designers. This is a great way of attracting all the potential customers. Make sure that the videos you choose should highlight the important features of your business so that the visitors can easily know about your business right on arrival. In additionally, this helps in reducing the bounce rate by effectively engaging visitors.
The aforementioned are some of the important web designing trends. However, apart from all this, simplicity should be on the top of the list. Designers should focus on designing simple websites using all the latest trends for more benefits.

Monday, October 26, 2015

What factors are considered while designing call-to-action buttons?

Encouraging visitors to take an action once they are on the website (adding a product to shopping cart, downloading something, requesting information, or anything else) is the prime objective behind designing of call to action buttons.
Designing of these buttons needs to be done carefully, as there is a lot more to it than just being attractive and fitting into the overall design.
Following are few factors taken into consideration for designing of call-to-action buttons-
·         Size-Ideally, these buttons should be large. Large sized buttons attract viewer’s attention immediately and urge them to click on it.

·         Short and Smart words- While creating a call to action button, short and smart words should be used. The words should not be more than five words.

·         Understandable–Understandable words should be used that describe the website product or service. For example, if a website provides facility to download songs, words like “download song” or “download here” should be used. This simplifies the task of viewer, as all they need to do is click on the button and the download process will start automatically.

·         Unique Buttons- Creating of unique buttons can attract user attention instantly. By using catchy words and different colors, you can easily bring it into users notice.

·         Choice of colors- Using contrasting color to the background makes the button eye-catching. This brings the button into viewers notice and increases the chances of conversion.

·         Focus on the goal- While designing CTA, the designer’s purpose is to provide maximum motivation to the user to click on the button. Thus, writing a convincing CTA is important in order to attract more and more users.

·         Positioning- Placing of CTA on webpage is important factor to consider. This should be placed above the fold of the web page, as this is the area, which comes into notice first.

·         Language-Language plays an important role in the website conversion rate. Simple and clear language should be used, so that it inspires users to take action.

Hence, designing call-to-actions by using above of the techniques will have a positive impact on website conversions.
If you want your website to look attractive and yield good results or conversions, then you need to get CTA designed from professional website designing companies in New York. This is because professionals are aware of all the technicalities that are required for designing CTA buttons.

However, while hiring a company for this purpose, make sure to look into the experience, credibility, and reputation factors.

Monday, October 5, 2015

6 Website Design Mistakes that can Actually Kill Your Business’s Image

You may be offering best products at genuine price tag, but if the design of your website contains costly errors, you have slim chances of succeeding worldwide. Therefore, it is vital for you to ensure that the design of the site is flawless and leaves an impeccable impression on its visitors.

Following are the most common as well as costly mistakes that can actually kill the image of your business throughout the world-

  1. If your site has too many pop-ups and you believe that it would help users to quickly learn about your products or services, you are simply mistaken. Instead of helping your cause, it annoys the visitors and makes them run away from your website in no time.
  2. If your website has disorganized navigation, it will be impossible for customers to find the exact product or information in a click or two. In simple words, you can lose your value and opportunity of conversion in a few seconds.
  3. Sprinkling your website with animation, flash, or graphics does not make your site look fancy, instead it makes it tiresome to both eyes and mind. On the other hand, it also affects loading time of the site. Thus, if you are using it in excess, give it another thought now.
  4. If you are using low quality or unoptimized images, you are passing a message to your customers that you a low quality business. You just cannot afford to ignore the importance of visuals, especially if you sell products that are dependent on looks.
  5. A site that looks good on your browser does not mean that it looks great on every other browser. Therefore, ignoring testing is another crucial mistake that can seriously damage the image of your business and its conversions.
  6. If despite of all your SEO efforts, you are finding hard to achieve the top search engine rankings, it could be because of not complying with the search engine guidelines while designing. Therefore, you need to ensure factors such as alt tag optimization and Meta tags, etc.

 If you believe that design of your website has such issues, you must get on the web and start searching for professional web design services. You need to make sure that you choose an expert of the industry with a proven track in the arena.  You can also seek help from your friends or family to know the name of professional web design companies.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Why parallax design is the most sought after web designing pattern these days?

Parallax is the concept of using visual effects along with 2D scrolling is to provide the users with more memorable user experience. In addition, this concept uses different background and foreground designs at varying speed to convey some kind of online story to the users. In other words, the parallax web design involves the movement of different background and foreground images at varying speed.
You can find large number of website designing companies in big cities like New York, using the concept of parallax design for their websites. Some of the famous brands like Nike, Oakley etc are already using this concept.
Some of the positive aspects of using parallax designs are-
·         Better user experience- The foremost benefits of using parallax is that it provides better user experience by keeping your online users busy and focused on what is important  from business perspective. To keep your audience engaged, the best you can do is including bright and flashy colors with excellent graphics.  This will help you to get the attention of the target audience.
·         Reduce bounce rate-If there is anything wrong with your website, you will experience a gradual loss in the number of users that uses your website. This could be due to slow loading time and not so attractive web designs.  Therefore, to fix these problems, you can include parallax design to your website. Other than this, parallax websites encourage all the potential users to stay for some long time on the page.
·         Effective product description- The parallax design helps you to create more effective description and details of your products and services and encourages more user experience.
·         Effective social medial links and back links- Generating back links is not an easy task. For this either you need a suitable and fresh content or you require an exceptionally good product services.  However, if you are using a parallax design for your website, chances of back links are higher because of new inventive designs. Besides this, sharing on social media platforms can also help in generating natural back links.
However, there are number of famous sites on the web that uses the concept of parallax. Whether, you want to just style your website or want to improve the SEO ranking, Parallax is a correct path for everything.